Join intuitive channel and teacher, Courtney Dillon, in an insightful and transformative exploration of the human energy field and the power of energetic management. In this empowering course, participants will learn to recognize, understand, and harness their energy to create balance and alignment within themselves and in their interactions with others.

Discover the significance of setting energetic boundaries, identifying energy leaks, and managing challenging emotions through practical techniques and approaches. Gain insights into the impact of thoughts on energy creation and learn how to shift and transmute negative energy to promote personal and collective transformation.

Through engaging discussions, guided visualizations, and practical exercises, participants will have the opportunity to explore the concept of "home frequency," develop energetic hygiene practices, and tap into the transformative power of their own energy fields.

Whether you are seeking tools to navigate challenging emotions, cultivate energetic boundaries, or develop a deeper understanding of your own energy dynamics, this course provides valuable guidance and resources to empower you in managing your energy and harnessing your innate power for self-transformation.

Harnessing the Power of Energy Fields for Spiritual Growth

Sneak Preview of Class


    1. How to use this course

    1. Video: You are Energy

About this course

  • $44.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Sign up now to unleash your energetic potential and reclaim your power in creating a harmonious life!

Key Takeaways

Balancing energy, setting boundaries, and alchemical transformation for empowerment.

  • Recognize the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy energetic boundaries, and acknowledge the impact of personal and external energy on well-being.

  • Understand emotions as raw data to manage and work through, fostering emotional mastery and transformation to return to one's "home frequency.

  • Embrace personal power as a powerful creator, tapping into energy sources for personal alchemy, transmutation, and empowerment.

  • Learn techniques for managing and transmuting energy, practicing psychic hygiene to maintain wellness and prevent absorption of others' energy.

  • Embrace the role in collective transformation, expressing gratitude and coming together to alchemize systems and shift the frequency of the Earth.

Ready to tap into your true energetic potential and create a balanced, vibrant life? Join us for an enlightening session on "You Are Energy" with the insightful Courtney Dillon.

Get started now