Dream Alchemy
CourseIn this class, we will be exploring the dream world. We will explore the meaning of dreams, protection work, and how to understand and work with our dreams more consciously. We can even learn to clear and work with Spirit Guides in dreamtime.
Creating Sacred Space
CourseIn this workshop, we will learn about how to use air, earth, water, fire, and sound into your home. We will learn about the mystic symbols for the home, steps to house clearing, and the house as a metaphor.
I AM the Prayer - The Power of the I AM Presence
CourseAcross all spiritual traditions, we have the concept of the “I Am.” Come learn about how we are part of this, and how to begin using “I Am” powerfully in your life. Throughout life, we are constantly affirming what we are not.
Language of the Soul
CourseDo you ever wonder how your soul communicates with you? Our soul communicates with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings and through imaginations. Come learn how to translate the language of the soul.
Sacred Energetic Boundaries
CourseIn this class, we will explore the concept of Sacred Boundaries: what they are, how to develop them, and how to maintain your own energetic field. Setting energetic boundaries helps you attune to your truth so you can be authentically yourself.
Quantum Timeline Jumping
CourseIn this class, I am channeling techniques from St. Germain about how to actually find yourself on your highest timeline on a daily basis. This process is about consistent CHOICE in the present moment.